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My Journey

"Throughout my career, I've had the pleasure of coaching sales teams, working with businesses on their marketing strategies, and collaborating on revenue-driven programs with Radio and TV stations worldwide. My forty years in management and consulting provided a rich background of experiences. In September of 2021 I retired and began writing columns for Radio Ink, and co-hosted sales focused podcasts to pay it forward after a long career in media. 

In 2024, my focus turned to a creative passion for digital art that started in 1999.  A combination of inspirational messages layered on top of digital photography and digital painting fill the creative process. 

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My Digital Art Gallery
Welcome to my digital artwork collection dating back to 1999 when I first explored the creative options of art expression on a computer. My images originate creatively using my own perspective and insights. Hopefully you will be entertained and lifted by what you see in the gallery and read in my descriptions.